Say "NO" to Chronic Diseases

Cancer prevention and early detection of cancer for the disadvantaged group

Ethnic minorities, one of the disadvantaged groups within communities, were previously shown to possess limited knowledge on the effective ways of cancer prevention and a low level of awareness on the availability of cancer screening services. With cancer screening being an effective means of cancer prevention, it is of great importance to disseminate the benefits of cancer screening utilisation and information on access to cancer screening services to these ethnic minorities, in the form of educational interventions. The research undertaken by our group focusses on the barriers to cancer screening utilisation by South Asian ethnic minorities and the strategies on the effective dissemination of health-related information among these individuals. Notably, we are currently implementing the IMPACT (Integrative Multicomponent Programme for promoting south Asians’ Cancer screening upTake) programme which aims to educate South Asian ethnic minorities, including South Asians in their home countries, on how to prevent cancer effectively, with a focus on increasing their awareness on the importance of cancer screening utilisation in cancer prevention. Our research activities therefore help contribute further knowledge on the potential strategies for enhancing the utilisation rate of cancer screening among South Asian ethnic minorities.

Professor Dorothy Chan

Professor Winnie So

Professor Jojo Wong